Domestic ethyl acetate prices fell sharply |
After the downstream industries related to stop production, ethyl acetate,demand reduction, in addition to the southwest, around the market are in the downlink channel. Ethyl acetate around the market list: East China market by Shandong manufacturers price as the beginning, all the way down to 8800-9100 yuan / ton, compared with last week end drops 600 yuan / ton, high-end down 700 yuan / ton. Southern China ethyl acetate market weakness filling, in the face of the downstream demand cold and export goods marketthin profit margins, the major manufacturers in the production and export ofhesitate about what move to make. This week the mainstream transaction in the 9000-9200 yuan / ton, or end last week fell to 300-100 yuan / ton. Supplythe mainstream acetate single southwest transactions at 10300 yuan / ton,was at a similar level and last week.
Release time:2014-07-29 18:52:55 |